Extension Agenda
- Extension Thrust and Direction
Extension programs articulate the social relevance and conscience of the Isabela State University as a facilitator of countryside development. The extension team thereby anchors its effort on the communities to uplift their living conditions through the realization of the full potential of every person it works with and in harnessing rural folks capabilities in effectively and efficiently utilizing the gamut of community resources. To be more functional and more relevant, extension services primarily aimed at reaching out to the poorest local government units and rural communities and help them build up their capabilities to become self-reliant and empowered. Moreover, the University is envisioned to develop effective extension modalities and strategies with great focus on social mobilization and development of viable S & T and rural-based enterprises.
The University extension program thrust has been implemented in consonance with DA-AFMA of 1997, DA-ATI guidelines for the National Extension System for Agriculture and Fisheries (NESAF), CHED’s NHERA, PCARRD’s Technology Management Promotion and Commercialization Enhancement Program and NEDA Regional Extension Agenda. Guided by the abovementioned programs, ISU has pursued four-pronged umbrella programs as follows: a) Adopt A Barangay Volunteerism Program; b) LGU Extension Capability Strengthening Program; and c) Gender and Development; d) Community Outreach and Support Services.
- Program Thrusts and Agenda
- Adopt-A-Barangay Volunteerism Program
- Barangay Integrated Development Planning (BIDP)
- Livelihood and Rural Enterprises Development
- Community Organizing and Mobilization
- Reproductive Health, Nutrition Education and Sanitation
- Values Education/Formation
- Spiritual Development
- Literacy Training
- Climate Change Policy Advocacy and Training
- Disaster Risk Reduction Management Program
- One Campus-One Product (OCOP)
- Science and Technology-Based/ Demonstration Farm
- Environmental Management and Sustainability (Waste Management, Disaster Preparedness and Risk Management)
- Adopt-A-School Program
- Literacy Training
- Values Education/Formation
- Remedial Teaching
- LGU Strengthening and Capability Building (As Provided by AFMA, RA 8435)
- Provision of Non-Degree Training
- Technical Assistance
- Capacity Trainings
- Production/ Packaging of Information Education and Communication (IEC) Materials
- Provision of Communication Support Multi-Media Campaign
- Conduct of Impact Evaluation of Projects
- School-On-The-Air
- Community Outreach
- Relief Distribution
- Masayang Pasko and Gift Giving
- Medical and Dental Mission and Blood Letting
- Feeding Program
- Peace and Security Enhancement
- Rabies Vaccination
- Consulting Services
- Adopt-A-Barangay Volunteerism Program