ISU conducts 2022 National Women’s Month Kick Off Celebration

The Isabela State University – City of Ilagan Campus, through the leadership of Dr. Alfonso R. Simon, Executive Officer, hosted the University-wide 2022 National Women’s Month Kick-Off Celebration through zoom meeting.

In attendance was the visionary University President, Dr. Ricmar P. Aquino who emphasized on the importance of the women and girls in the society especially nowadays that they are showing competence among others in various organizations. VP ARA Dr. Boyet L. Batang, VP AFS Atty. Romano Cammayo, VP RDET Dr. Orlando Balderama and VP PELP & RGC Dr. John Cabansag also graced the activity together with the Executive Officers, Campus Administrators, Faculty and Staff of ISU-System. The said event started with the simultaneous banner raising spearheaded by the executive officers and campus administrators.

The Chairperson for Philippine Commission on Women Hon. Sandra S. Montano also graced the activity with her inspirational message accentuating unleashing girl’s and women’s power in all its dimensions. Dr. Leah S. Corpuz, resource speaker, gave a thought-provoking seminar session on women empowerment particularly addressing Emotional Distress in Women.

Meanwhile, the activity also had an open forum where faculty and staff were able to participate followed by awarding of winners of the different contested activities such as dish gardening, essay writing, and digital poster making.